Friday, October 16, 2015

Bodiweng Elementary School

It takes one hour to get to Botiweng from Baguio. We were on our way to the elementary school for our community service and outreach, so we were all excited to get there. We rode in two cars, my family's car and my neighbor's car. I rode in my neighbor's car since my friends were all there.  Suddenly, there was a really steep slope.  It looked very dangerous...and we were all very surprised when we heard an explosion.  The brake of my friend's car exploded and hit my father's car in front of us. Luckily, no one was hurt. We then all rode together in my father's car and got to Botiweng safely.

This experience has given me great lessons. I learned how to plan our activities in the elementary school with my family and friends very well that even if we encountered some challenges in getting there, we were still able to perform well for the children. I also was able to work well with my friends and show my commitment to the task even if it was not that easy to find time because of so much homework to do.

I am happy that I was able to meet a new challenge and overcome it, and also I was able to give some happiness to all the school children in Botiweng.

  brake  explosion....the left side back mirror was gone

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